Sep 30, 2021Liked by Michael Wilding

Hi mate, new here. Great collection of thoughts 👍

One thought for you:

The answer to, "So I have to ask myself… why do I find it so hard to cut off?"

is in the section directly above it:

"There’s a common thought that it takes 30 days of doing something to change a habit, but they lied to me! I was told recently by somebody who is far more knowledgeable in this than myself, that it actually takes nearer 90 days to truly change a habit.

90 days of doing the same thing in order to get it into the muscle memory of your body."

You've been working that way - as have I - for a LOT longer than 90 days, which is why it's hard wired into you. When you figure out the optimal cold turkey route, be sure and let me know!

See you for a beer soon, I hope.


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Sep 23, 2021Liked by Michael Wilding

I am 5'6", I have arms 4" longer than a man of 5'6" and my chest is 4" larger than a man of 5' 6", I should be 5'10". My legs just don't realise !

A man of 5'6" should weigh around 10.5-11 stone, I am 12.04, I am not vastly over weight (ok, maybe a little).

A true story, when I was in my middle teens I became interested in meditation and had it in mind that maybe everyone had a limited number of heartbeats in their lives and when that number was reached one dies..

So, I decoded that if I lowered my heart rate I would live longer (seemed logical at the time) so I attempted to lower my heart rate through meditation.

Lo, and behold, it worked !

The number of times that Doctors have blamed faulty equipment when they have tested me is countless. Proof came when I was in hospital for something, not heart related, when when I went to sleep I kept setting off the monitor alarm at 45bpm. My resting heart rate is around 49-51 (Olympic athlete rate) and I am no athlete !

My knees are are knackered through sport but I keep them going by thinking about them, how good they are as they are doing the work of someone who is really 5'10" !!!.

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Sep 15, 2021Liked by Michael Wilding

All work etc. etc.......

You/ we have touched on it previously, meditation, oh, and where do you want these strings sent to ?


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